May 16, 2023 | Education, Events, MisinfoDay, News, Updates
The University of Washington Alumni Association, through its UW Impact program, with the Washington State University Alumni Association, recently co-presented a special virtual two-hour Mini MisinfoDay educational event, a series of short talks and innovative...
Feb 15, 2023 | Education, Events, MisinfoDay, News, Updates
Nearly 1,000 high school students, teachers, librarians and other educators from across Washington will travel to the University of Washington and Washington State University in the coming weeks to participate in MisinfoDay 2023 activities, co-presented through a...
Mar 2, 2022 | Education, Events, MisinfoDay, News
The University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public and Washington State University’s Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, which are co-presenting MisinfoDay 2022 on March 15, are finalizing details for this year’s virtual workshops, resources and other...
Jan 11, 2022 | Education, Events, MisinfoDay, News, Uncategorized
Attention high school and middle school teachers, librarians, and other educators: You’re invited to MisinfoDay 2022! Join us virtually on March 15 as we learn how to build healthy information environments and make informed decisions about what to believe online. ...
Jan 10, 2022 | Events, Research
As part of the University of Washington Center for an Informed Public’s ongoing Invited Speaker Series, Shannon C. McGregor, a senior researcher at the Center for Information, Technology, and Public Life at the University of North Carolina and an assistant...
Nov 29, 2021 | Events, News, Updates
As the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public approaches its second anniversary, the multidisciplinary research center’s five co-founders hosted a virtual event and panel discussion on Nov. 4 to highlight the CIP’s work and key accomplishments from...