Dec 14, 2023 | News, Newsletter, Updates
This is the web version of the December 2023 edition of the Center for an Informed Public‘s News & Insights newsletter that was originally sent out on December 14, 2023. ESSAY Facts, frames and (mis)interpretations: Understanding rumors as collective sensemaking...
Dec 13, 2023 | Research, Updates
In an article published in the Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, Center for an Informed Public researchers and colleagues present the promising results of three experimental investigations testing the potential effectiveness of a novel, user-driven...
Dec 11, 2023 | CIP Award for Excellence, Events, News, Updates
By Michael Grass During a special gathering and discussion this fall, the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public honored University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill assistant professor Francesca Bolla Tripodi, selected earlier this year as the winner...
Dec 6, 2023 | News, Research
The solution to pervasive misinformation is not better facts, but better frames. By Kate Starbird University of Washington Center for an Informed Public Author’s note: This article emerges from insights garnered over almost a decade of collaborative research studying...