UW Population Health Initiative awards Tier 1 pilot grant to CIP researchers studying impacts of misleading information on healthcare providers

May 24, 2023

The University of Washington’s Population Health Initiative has awarded Tier 1 pilot grant funding to Center for an Informed Public researchers working on a project that looks to address current gaps to properly document the impacts of misleading information on healthcare providers. The project is one of nine that recently received Population Health Initiative Tier 1 pilot grants, which are designed to support researchers in laying an interdisciplinary foundation for a future project to generate proof-of-concept. The total award value of the nine pilot grants is nearly $210,000, which includes school, department and unit matching funds.

According to the “Documenting the Impact of Abortion Myths on Healthcare Providers and Advocates” project abstract: “Despite extensive documentation of abortion-related misinformation in online and offline spaces, and calls of concern from healthcare practitioners about such content, little academic research exists documenting and examining how misleading abortion information impacts the everyday work of healthcare providers and others working within abortion healthcare. Accordingly, this research project looks to address current gaps to properly document the impacts of misleading information on healthcare providers.”

The project includes CIP postdoctoral scholar Anna Lee Swan, UW Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies associate professor Amanda Lock Swarr, CIP postdoctoral scholar Rachel Moran-Prestridge, CIP research project coordinator Taylor Agajanian, UW Information School doctoral student Izzi Grasso, Human Centered Design & Engineering PhD student Andrew Beers, and iSchool associate professor and CIP co-founder Emma S. Spiro.   

The research team is looking to interview and collaborate with healthcare providers and advocates to examine the impact of abortion myths on their work. If you are interested in this collaboration please reach out to remoran@uw.edu for more information. 

PHOTO ABOVE: The Hans Rosling Center for Population Health on the University of Washington’s Seattle campus.

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