The University of Washington Center for an Informed Public, in partnership with the Washington State University Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, invites interested colleges and universities to join us in hosting a local MisinfoDay event in March 2022.
MisinfoDay is an annual event that started at the University of Washington in 2019. It aims to teach high school students, teachers, and librarians how to identify and combat online misinformation. Students and educators come to campus for a day to learn from experts in the field about how to become critical consumers of information.
The inaugural MisinfoDay in March 2019 saw 200 high school students and educators from four Washington high schools come to the UW Seattle campus to learn about the misinformation landscape and fact-checking strategies. During MisinfoDay 2021, thousands of students and educators tuned in to virtual programming from across Washington State and the country.
For 2022, UW and WSU aim to expand MisinfoDay by hosting local events throughout Washington state and invite colleges and universities across the country to join us by hosting MisinfoDay on their campuses.
Do you work at a college or university that may be interested in hosting a local MisinfoDay event?
Join us for a virtual information session Friday, November 19 from 9–9:45 a.m. PT / 12–12:45 p.m. ET. Register here.
We will review our online guide “How to Host Your Own MisinfoDay: A Guide for Colleges and Universities” and discuss what MisinfoDay looks like, what it takes to run a MisinfoDay event at your college or university, and what support the University of Washington Center for an Informed Public can provide.
If you’re not able to attend or if you have any questions, please reach out to Liz Crouse, MisinfoDay Coordinator, at